Finally, the stress–free path to help you manage anxiety
No Studying • No Tests • No Worries
• A new, effective, on-demand solution
• Guided and developed by anxiety expert, Dr. Dan Lerner
• 9 chapters of comprehensive strategies
• Engaging, proven content you learn on-the-go
Dr. Gary Wand, Professor
The Johns Hopkins University School Of Medicine
“Thank you for letting me review Dr. Dan’s Anxiety Plan. The program is a tour de force; really wonderful. If someone works hard and practices the exercises, benefits will be accrued. Sustained practice will result in sustained benefit. Congratulations on succeeding to create such a meaningful program.”
Rachel C.
"I had so much anxiety and fear of failing in school, I became preoccupied with making sure everything was “perfect” and neglected everything else in my life. I was able to use Dr. Dan’s strategies to reduce my fear and anxiety. Now, I feel confident in my ability to handle my anxiety and to keep things in perspective. I will face stress from time to time. But I now have the tools to handle it."
Mara G.
“In my business, public speaking is important. For a long time, I put it off because I was terrified. I had so much anxiety about it. After going through Dr. Dan’s training I was able to break through it and now I speak all over the country. Dr. Dan taught me to turn my feelings of anxiety into excitement, so now when I get invited to speak on stage I’m thrilled and I can’t wait to do it. It’s been such a significant change. I couldn’t have done it without him!”
✔️Access to knowledge series - mini sessions tailored to common types of anxiety